Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Half-Way Reflection

Half-Way Reflection

1. This course definitely takes persistence, consistency, and keeping up with the coursework. Due to the nature of this course and the high amount of workload, in the form of a lot of assignments, you must be very consistent with following what is due and what you need to work on. Also, because some of these assignments require other people, you must plan ahead.

2. A couple of the assignments that required me to go film other people and/or interview other people made me close to not wanting to complete the assignment and just leave it to go ungraded, but persistence made me sack up and go complete the assignment. 

3. Three tips I would offer would be: make sure that you are extremely consistent with your workload in this course, always be scheduling for when you are going to complete an assignment, and make sure you actually do the assignment before declaring. 


  1. Hi Sawyer. We basically have the same three points. This class definitely takes a lot of time and planning is essential. Something I mentioned in my Half Way Reflection is to not be fooled by not having exams. Being consistent, like you said, is probably one of the most important things and persistent by not settling to get ungraded assignments because of time. If you want to check mine out, the link is below!


  2. You made really good points. The recording assignments were a huge roadblock for me as well. It is true that you have to plan ahead for those. It's good to hear that you were able to persevere through the initial resistance to complete the assignments. This class is very easy to get through if you do the assignments, but ignoring them can add up against you quickly.

    Check out my blog:
