Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

Top 5 World Problems

The Problem(s):

1.    World Economy.
This should be one of the top priorities for the countries around the world, as the economy plays a huge role in every problem that faces the world. 

2.    International Terrorism.
This is obviously another huge issue that the world has got to face. Innocent people are being killed because of individuals who don’t value human life. This will continue to destroy countries and will continue to add to the refuge crisis.
3.    Consumerism.
I think that consumerism is another significant problem. The over-spending and over-consumption that many people face today, leads to a multitude of issues: obesity, disease, etc.

4.    Human Trafficking.
Human trafficking is a horrible disgusting epidemic that the world should focus more on. This is somewhat of a shadowed world as the spotlight remains off of it.

5.    Overpopulation.
Overpopulation is an issue simply because of what it can eventually lead to. Overpopulation in any country in all of history proves to lead to problems.

The Solutions:

1.     Stop all the quantitative easing, let interest rates rise back to healthy historical levels, create jobs by taking away regulations and high taxes on the private sector, and cut down on government spending.

2.     Join up with other nations/countries to fight the terrorist organizations. Also, attempt to train the Middle Eastern soldiers and provide resources so that the fight can remain centralized, as well as keeps American soldiers out of harms way. This also will help to ensure that terrorist groups can’t quickly rise back up again.  

3.     Provide more healthy options at both fast food restaurant’s and in school cafeterias. Make fast food and unhealthy food way more expensive than healthy food. 
4.     More contraceptive use. Teaching kids more about smart parenting as they grow up. Not encouraging government handouts and social security payments for having more children.

5.     Help build infrastructure that supports clean sanitation. Finance sanitation projects in third-world countries.


  1. Sawyer, it was interesting reading what you think are the top five world problems in our day and age. The solution you have to fixing the world economy is simple, yet politicians for some reason still have not implemented lowering the taxes on the private sector. Giving private firms tax breaks would create jobs and help us come out of being in more government spending debt. If you would like to check out my list of the top 5 world problems it is below:

  2. Sawyer,
    Great post! Some of our top five problems were the same. The overpopulation of our world is a huge issue! It was great you highlighted such an important and pertinent issue. The solution you had to human trafficking was interesting. It might be hard to implement in a country like the US. I admire the optimism though.

    If you ever want to check out my post!
