Sunday, January 31, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 1

Customer Interviews No. 1

1. I opportunity I decided to focus on was the fact that people tend to have to frequently go out and buy many similar items that they consistently use. The potential solution to this time suck could be an efficient subscription service through Walmart that at least could deliver their top most frequently bought products to their homes instead of requiring them to physically go out to buy these products.

2. The people who may need or take advantage of this service could really be anyone who frequently uses certain products like bread, soap, etc. Some people who might really benefit could be the busy individual who needs to be more time efficient.

5. I learned from this exercise that this opportunity probably would not be a very utilized one as most people seemed to not really be interested in the service. The opportunity also probably would not work as most people seemed to enjoy actually going to the store to purchase their products. Also, most people buy different things each time and not always the same products.

6. From actually interviewing customers, I learned that most people don't actually like being approached randomly and asked to be interviewed, even if it is for class. For the nice people that helped me out, I appreciate it and thank you!

From Youtube:


  1. "This interview is going somewhere else." That has to be quote of the day. I thought all of your interviews were pretty funny! Even though you really only did four interviews I hope you get full credit because the first five were quality. If you would like to check out my cringe worthy videos check out my blog!

  2. These videos are very funny and enjoyable and this has made your blog fun to read through. Your product would be very helpful for full-time working students who also have jobs. The market of college students would be great and your interviews gave you some great ideas on how to improve the product! Here is a link to my blog if you would like to check it out:

  3. I thought you had a great idea, I was surprised that people weren't more interested in it. I was concerned in my interviews (which you can check out on my site ( that I wasn't specific enough with my questions. I felt like your questions were very specific yet people still seemed confused by them. I think the hardest part of this assignment besides actually completing it was being able to clearly state what you are trying to discover, I thought you did a great job with that.
