Sunday, April 3, 2016

What's Next?

Whats Next? 

Existing Market. 
Step 1: Talk about what you think is what's next. You may rely on your analyses from "The Amazon Whisperer" exercise (when you discussed what product you thought might come next.)
Step 2: Interview three customers who are already part of the market you have identified, and ask them what they believe is next for a venture like yours. Describe to them your business, and simply ask "What should we be doing that we aren't planning to do?" Next, ask them about your ideas of what customers might want next. Video or audio record these interviews.
Step 3: Based on your own expectations and the feedback you received from customers, set a path for the future. In two to three paragraphs, describe what makes the most sense for your venture in terms of growing in your existing market.

Step 1: I think what is next for Juntos would be to find two markets to go into for selling products and trying to capture market share within those specific markets. I feel like Juntos needs to grow in it's existing markets which right now would be real estate and season tickets. I believe that once we grow our share in these two markets, then we can lateral into new markets. 

Step 2: Customers all have approved of the concept and say they would personally use it. Everyone can not afford everything, so if Juntos can help facilitate joint purchases on these products, than this 'uncaptured potential' can be fulfilled. Juntos will help these customers purchase items they would of had to gone without otherwise. 

Step 3: I believe that the path for our future is bright and it includes moving into many new markets. I am not exactly sure which markets will be best to move into next, but I do believe that after operating in the real estate and ticket market for some time, we will have an idea which other markets can be tapped in to. With Juntos, there is also a legal aspect that we have to think about since it deals with joint contracts and shared purchasing. 

New Market.
Step 1: Identify a radically different market from what you're currently planning to target. If you're currently targeting B2B, think about going after a B2C market. If you're currently targeting an affluent part of society, think about targeting a very poor part of society.
Step 2: Once you have identified a radically different market, describe how you think your venture concept might be able to create value for people in that market. You may have to get creative with this -- that's OK -- and perfectly welcome!
Step 3: Interview three people from this new market. Again, describe to each interviewee what your concept is. Then, ask them how they think your business might be help to meet customers like them. What kinds of adaptations to the product/service mix do they think you should make to be successful in this new market? Video or audio record these interviews.
Step 4:  Reflect, in two to three paragraphs, on what you learned about this new market. What surprised you the most? Were any of your expectations/assumptions correct? Does this new market, on second thought, appear to be as attractive as your existing market? And so on. 

Step1: A new market that we would be considering would be the boat and car markets. These markets are two things that I think possibly work for joint purchasing. I think that toys like boats are purchases that are not always used so it allows the opportunity for shared time usage. Also, many people are not able to buy a boat or sometimes a car because it typically can be extra spending that they do not have. If Juntos can help them purchase this item, then these are potential new markets. 

Step 2: It would create value by simply helping people purchase things that they would not be able to own previously. 

Step 3: Again, the customers agreed that both of these markets are possible. Some had concerns about the car market just because most of the time, sharing a car would be difficult. Also, you have to make sure that both buyers are extremely reputable which Juntos already plans on doing. 

Step 4: I believe that these markets would be the next step for Juntos after we gain share in the real estate and ticket markets. I think that with the feedback that we received and the problems that we have worked through, Juntos could facilitate in these new markets and provide value to many different types of customers. I believe that our original market is our main focus right now and I think that Juntos fits right into both of these markets with ease so that is where Juntos will head.


  1. Hey Sawyer I greatly enjoyed reading about Juntos, it sure does sound like a grand luxury. I really do look forward to something like this one day, if I have the money. I liked the idea of you transitioning from real estate to boats and cars. I feel like everyone at one point in time want a boat or a car and why not appeal to a high end market. I like you am looking to get into a higher end market one day. Feel free to check out my blog and give me some advice.

  2. Hey Sawyer,

    I love your entrepreneurial idea. To me Juntos sounds like a risk free craigslist, and some day in the future when I will be able to afford luxury items such as cars and boats I would definitely want to use a website like Juntos. Now a days not everyone wants or can afford a new luxury item so it’s cool that you’re thinking about a save way people can buy used luxury items online. Here is the link to my post if you want to check it out!

  3. Sawyer, I think you have a really great idea. I also like how you set up this assignment, very different from most people. I think your idea to switch into new markets is well thought out and very possible. Great job on this post.

    I didn't do this assignment so I can't post my link lol ooops
