Sunday, April 17, 2016

Going for Google Gold

Going for Google Gold

1)   A discussion of your general approach and strategy to search engine optimiation (SEO). What were some of the activities you did for each blog post to pursue SEO? 
My approach and strategy to SEO (search engine optimization) for my blog was to use many commonly searched words in each of my posts. I figured that in anything these phrases were searched, then my blog post could show up. I also looked up most commonly searched keywords and things and used them in my posts.

2)   What were your keywords. How did you select those keywords? Did you change or refine your keywords through the semester?
     I used different keywords but some of the most searched for keywords that I used was ‘news’, ‘translate’, ‘business’; keywords such as these. My keywords did change throughout the semester as my posts changed, so I infused different words. Also new words, so that my post got even more views.
3)   How did you use social media to enhance your SEO efforts? What your your surprises or general impression of using social media to improve your blog's profile? Was social media generally receptive of your blog, or did it get ignored?
     I really do not use much social media to enhance my SEO efforts. I guess I could have used more but I thought that it would have to be specific and relevant to my blog. I did use Youtube for some of the video submissions which could count as social media. I realize how impactful though social media can be to your SEO.

4)   What was your most "viral" post? In other words, which post obtained the most traffic? Why do you think?
My most viral post on my blog was the Celebrating Failure post. It got a huge whopping 8 views. I think it obtained the most because we had peer reviews for it plus I think it was extremely inspiring.

5) Finally, did you make it to the first page of Google results for your keywords? If not, what page of results did you make it to?

     No, I did not make it to the first page, but made it to the second which I am pretty proud of, I gotta admit. 


  1. How in the world did you make it to the second page? I mean I didn't check for mine after the first but I'm still impressed. Your keywords seemed pretty general as well, so I'm very impressed. Would you consider keeping up this blog for your venture? I probably wouldn't keep mine up. I don't know what I would post about after this class.

    Check out my blog:

  2. Hi Sawyer! That's amazing that you made it to the second! I was no where even close to there! That's definitely something to be proud of! I never shared my blog on social media either, which is probably why I wan't highly searched. But I used similar key words in all of my posts, but that didn't help at all. "Celebrating Failure" was also my most popular post, with nine comments! I have no idea how that happened, but funny how we both had the same post! Good job and keep up the hard work!
    Check out my Google search on my blog!
